Variation of a Single Physician's Primary Cesarean Section Rate Across Multiple Hospitals
Conference Abstracts
- Conference AbstractsUtility of Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency Program Websites and Social Media
- Conference AbstractsThe Uptake of Partner Participation in Sequential Preconception Carrier Screening
The Impact of Maternal BMI on Time of Transvaginal Cervical Imaging
Conference Abstracts
The Development and Evaluation of Alternative Communication Strategies to Facilitate Interactions with Refugees in Obstetric Triage: A Preliminary Study
- Conference AbstractsShifts in Religious and Cultural Diversity Support Across ObGyn Residencies with a Focus on Abortion Training: A Two-Year Follow-Up
- Conference AbstractsReversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome during Cesarean Section Complicated by Seizure Activity, Intraparenchymal and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
- Conference AbstractsRetroperitoneal Leiomyoma as a Source of Pelvic Pain: A Case Report and Review of the Literature